Jaf Ie
-//lurbbx miie//-
Chung Cheng High Main
-//da best skul in da world//-
1 Integrity
-//da most enthu class//-
3rd may 1994
-//gimmi pwesentx hur.//-
Perfect 13




Brenda BrandonKhor Calista ChioBuJie Dame DanielKhor Ella Felicia Fraser FreedomStryker HuiXian Iris Ivan Jacinth KahBing Karen KarWai LiYuan MaSista RachelJie Shermin Shirlyn SiLing Vanessa WeiNing WeiShan WenYi WoonWei XinYu YuYang ZiXing Sec 1IT '07 Pr6/2 '06

.& BY


.&Friday, March 16, 2007

Name 20 people right now.Don't look at the question(s) until you hav named the 20 people.
1]Hui Shan
2]Ying Nan
3]Wei Jie
4]Ping Cheong
5]Catherine Jie
7]Quan Li
9]Xin Yu
10]Zheng Kai
12]Mei Peng
13]Sin Ee
14]Reng Tian
15]Qin Xuan
16]Meng Shu
17]Hui Min
18]Hao Ming
19]Wing Yee

how did you meet 14?
ehhs. when i came tuh 1Integrity '07.

what would you do if you did'nt meet 1?
urmm. what cann i do?

what if 9 and 20 dated?
OMG.congratz tuh them den.but i tink itx impossible.

would 6 and 17 date?
heyys.of coz nt.they will be LESBIANS den.they are best fwenns lehh.

describe 3.
shuai to some gurlx. too badd nt ma type larr.
black(-.-") n sporty.

is 8 attractive?
chairman!! quite pretty lorr.dun scold miie hor.

describe 7.
wtf.dat guy.IDOIT. so annoying derr.
talk non-stop plus loud oso;my ears gonna b deaf.

what would you do if 18 confesses to you that he/she likes you?
huh?? dat china person.eeekkks.run away arh. CHOING!!

what language does 15 speak?
English Singlish lorr. TYPICAL SINGAPOREAN. ((:

who is 5 going out wif?
cannot sae larr. she'll b furious. :D

how old is 16?
ehhs.i dunno lehhs. i tink 14 bahhx.

when was the last time you spoke to 13?
the last day of term 1.miss her.<3

who is no. 2's favourite band or singer?
Jay Chou lahh. damn obvious derrh.

would you eva date 4?
see first larr.dun tink so much now wor.

would you ever date 1?
how can dat b possible??im nt LES mind euu.

is 19 single?
yuppx.single but unavaliable.

what's 10 last name?
Kai larr. but some ppl call him Zheng Kia so... Kia oso cann lor.

hav you eva kissed 11?
no way. she's reserved for 3.

school of 3?

where does 6 live?
Eunos there bahh.

what's your favourite ting abt 5?
ohh jie arhh.we cann bully her.she dun care. ((:
plus she's funny. hahas.<33333

have you seen 12 naked?
do ii look like a pervert hurh??

What's the worst ting you said to 18?
"say some more i make you no fathers' day arh."


Name a friend whose name starts with an "S"

4th person on ur missed calls
Heyys ma fone is on repair.

What did the last text message you received say?
urmms.before ma fone sopiled the message was from ma khor.
it said : mei,im daniel khor larr. you free now?
sth liddat at least.

Do you chew on ur straws?
lols. sometimes. =.="

Do you hav curly hair?
abit.Curls at the bottom. hate it.

What's the nxt concert you are going to?
i've nvr been to a concert. but i wann to q0 FAHRENHEIT'S CONCERT if thr is.

Who is the coolest person in ur life?
HIM larr.<1314

What words do you say alot?
lol,hahas,urmmx,yuppx,larrh ((: *hahas*

What's the last ting you ate

What was the last ting you said n who was it to?
"ok" to ma mum. lols

Do you watch TV?
itx like...DUH

Is marriage in ur future?
urmm.talk abt dat when im older bahh.

When was the last time you said i love you and you meant it?
today. i said it to the mirror which reflects to miie. I LOVE MYSELF!

What should you b doing right now?
homework mayb?

Do you hav a nickname?
i dun hav A nickname. i hav mani nickname.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
yupps.of coz

Who's the youngest in ur family?
ma Pri 1 sis named Jaf Ni

Are you a heavy sleeper?
not anymore.last time YES.

Last time you used a skateboard?
i nvr touch skateboards before.

Where was the last place you slept besides your hse?
On the road? no la. jkjk. in the hotel at Australia.

Best movie you've seen in the past 2 wks?
sadly,i din go watch movie the past 2 wks.

Ever kissed a boi?
yes.ma bro n sumone. SHHHHHH!!!!

DONE! wah at last. but itx fun doing quizzes like these. hahas.


.&Thursday, March 15, 2007

okies.posting abt todae larrx.
tiring lurhhs.went to hui shan's grandma hse for projects.
yeah.g0rt to meet Mei Peng,Ying Nan,Meng Shu,Dame
n ma 2 beloved meiix larhhs.[Wing Yee and Hui Shan].
ii reached thr at around 10.05am liddat laa.
ying nan and meng shu there alr.
waited for mei peng lorr.
den she came at abt 10.20am.
at first we SLACKED la.
slack until 11+ den go eat lunch.
bee hoon lorr.as usual.lols.
but good kehhs. g0rt include food. hahas.
eat half-way wing yee come lerr.
she is nt for music project la.she come for ESD project.
den we make her the judge.
we decided to b guai n start pactising.
heyys.hui shan's sista sae sumone out of tune.
who hurr?? ii dunno.
we sang one by one le but stiu cant identify
the one who sing outta tune larr. nvm.
dun care lorr.checked timetable den it state
music period is 2nd wk situ g0rt time practice.
but mayb hav changes lata on. dunno lurr.
ying nan,meng shu and mei peng go home lorr.
oh yahh.at last mei peng return miie ma autograph bookie.
hahas.so long le watx.
den wing yee and i in da room ourselves.
hui shan bring the three of them to bus stop.
den ii so qiao open da curtain to see outside dat time
saw hui shan and meng shu walking back.
i tot meng shu gotta go den dunno why she come back laa.
i went out of the roo to hide in 1 corner lor.
den when they came up da stairs i heard hui shan saying
scare them when we open the door.
hurr.wan scare mi arrh? wait long long.
in the end become i scare meng shu coz
when she came round the corner i sudenly go BOO her.
ask he why she came back. she sae she lost her wallet.
ehhs.so careless derhh.find so long den found it under the bed.
lol.dat dame so lazy lehhs.
ask her come hui shan's hse dat time she still slping.
diao.itx afternoon le dame-y arhh.dun slp until so late horr.
badd fer ur health.((:
budden dame was v.fast derr.she came very quickly.
den SLACK again.lazy mahhs.
did the wand first.aiyoo.hui shan,the wand dunnit so nice lar.
haven do finish we go 7-11.
wing yee ask mi teach her how to make blog.
lol.when we go 7-11 she stayed thr tagging on ppl's blog.
ii onli bring 35 cents coz dunno we going tuh buy tings mah.
den hui shan lend mi her money lorh. thkz lurh meii.
g0rt back den ate popiah. or rather spring rolls.
itx fried.nt very nice so ate 2 onli.
den went up eat potato chips.
PARTY yeaa!! hahas. no la.
but wing yee so shuang larr.keep on takin ma potato chips.
nvm larr. you fu tong xiang you nan bu tong dang. loll.
ma famous quote.did the script.
hmms.still SLACK-ing lorr.
no mood to do project.
weiis.dun da teachers noe itx HOLIDAE??
meant for us to play ya noe??
but in the end managed to complete 4 scenes for the script.
done! hehes. den we took fotos.in hui shan's room.
yeahhs.taking foto iish totally nt my kind but ai yah.
dun care lerr.juz take wif them.datx abt it lah.
sounds boring hur??
but itx fun la.
at least we got to play abit. :D


.&Wednesday, March 14, 2007

kkayz.urmmx so 2 days of vball trng end lerr.
coach says we r improving!
yeahs im glad tuh hear dat.
yesterday coach 1-on-1 siia.
he lykk traiin mi go up down left right centre.
make mi so tired.haiix i shldn't b complaining.
practise makes purr-fect. hahax.
todae tried the shoes we nid to buy for trng.
ii dun believe it. my feet is the smallest. -.-"
went out wif HuiMin,Genevive,Venessa,
KahBing,Calista,Juliana n ChioBuJie.
jie had supplymentary lessons
so sec 0nes went first lur.
ParkwayParade lorhhx.
actually wan go sing post derhx.
but thr no whr tuh shop so go PP.
eat KFC. lolls. thkz HuiMin :D
called jie den she sae comin' lerr.
20 mins ltr called her again she sae she
walking to the bustop tuh take bus!!
ehhs itx like so slow lorhh.
ii bet she's takin' her own sweet time wif ****
P.S. nxt time walk faster horr. dun make mi wait.
sec 0nes eat finish le den we go shop first.
headed for MiniToons first.
dat HuiMin kept on saying
heyyx. how mani times muz u repeat harr?
ii noe u dunno da way so let me lead lahhx.
Calista,KahBing n HuiMin bought
da same handphone pouch.
LOL. tong zhi. wanted tuh buy
shoelaces for the vball shoes de.
budden we dunno which colour nice so
we decided nxt time den buy.
waited for dat SLOW chio bu jie to come.
by dat time she eating lunch [wif sumone lurhhs].
so we went arcade.
ii noe itx nt rite lur.
in our uniforms summore.
but we managed to get in!!
took neoprint.ekkks.cheapo der.
quality damn badd larrx.
went MiniToons to meet chio bu jie again.
WE HAD TO WAIT AGAIN!! weiis stop takin ur time.
finally she came. ii ask her if she go on date
will b late mahs she say no. denn why u late hur??
but nahmind lurhhs. dun care.
juliana n huimin nt full yet.
ask catherine jie treat dem.
wah she so rich realli treat them.
went shop lorr.
ii wanted to buy the fahrenheit disc der.
but dat jie or mine dun sponser mi.
ii oso nvr bring so much money.
how gd u r leiis jie.hmph.
we forced jie to try on the clothes in 77th street.
but she nvr wear out for us to see.
no fun der. but aiyah. dun bully her le bahhx.
den go sit the "merry-go-round" tingy for children.
lolls. we r lame. but even so young at heart mahhs.
actually could'nt start moving coz we r all too heavy.
so venessa n i went down den it start moving.
halfway we g0rt up again n it worked perfectly fine.
hmms. tried to go inside the arcade again.
pass by GIANT supermarket.
so ii asked jie wat she call tis shop.
she say" huh? giant 有 chinese name de meh?"
now we ORDERED catherine jie
to go n ask the staff if she cann buy the card.
being hurried out.lol. im sorri lahh jie.
we made use of u to help us get in. realli dui bu qi.
dun take it to heart hor. we r all veri guai ppl.
den go home le coz v.sian.
datx abt it larr. long post. =D


.&Saturday, March 10, 2007

woah.sian lorhx.
was supposed tuhh q0 either SN's hse
or chester's hse.
budden ii dun feel like q0inq outta da hse
so in da end both b'dae parties oso nvr q0.
here, i wan tuh apologise to SN n chester
fer nt q0inq tuh ur hse.
ma jiu gong juz came back from america
s0 ii went out wif him tuh eat dinner.
no time tuh spend wif u guyx on ur b'daes
im realli sw0rriie guyx.
f0rgibb mi will ya?? P-L-E-A-S-E
hmms.ii hope itx alrite lur.
ok.f0rget abt datx ting.
realli em0 nowadaes.
suddenly feel like crying fer no reason.
hmm watx has happened tuh miee?
ii tink its juz part of growing up bahhx.
but ii'll try tuh stay happiie n sporty as eva.
aiyo.habb tuhh q0 vball trng
fer 3 daes tis holiday niia.
i dun even tink itx a holidae.
when thr's no trng, den itx hmwk time.
haixx.how ii wish ii hav time
tuh q0 sh0pping wif fwennx.
schedule iish tight derhx.
now i realise time realli flies.
itx already q0inq tuh b term 2 in abt 1 wk's time.
why doesn't da time stop for mi??

Monday } h0mework.muz guai guai complete as mani as ii cann.
Tuesday } vball trng.
Wedneday } vball trng.
Thursday } q0 hui shan's hse for music n ESD project.
Friday } vball trng.

habben't tot of wat song tuh sing for the music project yet.
miee group all Jay Chou's fan.
well,im nt 1 of dem.
mayb singing Jay Chou's songx.
dunn0 larrx. ESD project so diff.
dame n wing yee oso gotta q0.
havent realli tot of da script yet.
mr jow gav ideas alr budden he sae mux change abit.
i realli no time watch TV niia.
ii miss da TV so much.
im using da com now coz no show mahhx.
ma knee habben't heal yet lehhx.
everitime go trng nid wear knee guard.
den itx tight so keep on havin contact wif my knee.
dunno when will heal.
hope it heals soon.
catherine jie if u g0rt read tis post
ii ask u arhx
u g0rt q0 trng during hols??
nvm if u dont q0 larrx.
but aft hols muz go hor.
coz ii miss euu lerrz ((:
ii'll b realli glad if u go trng aft hols.
P.S. felicia n wei ning jealous dat ur my god-jiie
they oso sae u v.chio.
datx 100% true ya noe.
dun keep on saying u nt chio okies?? :DD
oh yarrx.felicia n wei ning arh.
ii nt kawaii kay.
itx my cheerful side dat makes u 2 tink im cute. =DD
but ii wont forbid ur tuh sae im cute lar.
thkz fer da compliment. hehes
kah bing oso cute watx.
why ur dun sae she cute??
<33 chio bu jie
<33 vball-ers
<33 1Integrity
<33 wing yee meix
<33 vball seni0rx [like emilene,rachel]
<33 ma life
<33 practically everyting.geesh.
i cant believe ii <1314 3344 everyting


.&Thursday, March 08, 2007

heyys...long tym no post le
um...yesterdae...damn heng
aft vball trng i was going out of grand audi
den i saw da DM!! omg...
my shirt was tuckED out dat time n socks oso v.low derhx
my fwenns n i hurry turn back n sat on da red chairs in front
den we quickly tuck in our shirt den act nth happen
da seni0rx n chio bu jie din see him
so he juz lyk v.shuang sae,"20 down"
so 2 seni0rx had tuh do squartx
jie...nxt time tuck in ur shirt b g00d gurl lahhx oki??
LOL...[im saying dat when i do da wrong ting myself]
nvm nvm...actually DM was standing beside me derhx...
den aft awhile he walk away

todae har...ermms...nth much...ge0g was so sick0
espeacially niu lang [kevin - sw0rriie no offence h0rx]
kevin was like saying they want to
hav more children so do IT more times
ahem...den miss poon sae watx wrong with
saying sexual intercourse...er xin siia
ge0g lesson become charisma lesson izzit...
yuckx yuckx...dat kevin so duo zhui
sae until very interesting hor...((:

had x-tra maths lesson coz we lagging behind other classes
den went home wif hui shan...helped xin yu change bs
yeah...im shan liang 1...nt like SOME ppl hor...
lol...refering to >>>>>> KEVIN
glad euu like it xin yu...
tell mi which bs u wan den nxt time help u change lorhx
=D sian wor...tmr maths test...dunn0 izzit diff or nt
nid q0 study lia0x...nxt time post


.&Friday, March 02, 2007

yesterdae went out wif ying nan,
dame,quan li,ting hong and yi qian
fun yeah...aft sch we go bugis...
den dame bought fahrenheit keychain n badge
den ying nan was so jealous coz she last minute
sae wan go de...din bring enouff money
den we go pretty in tokyo take neoprintx
used $2 for the machine dat 6 ppl took together
den $3 for the one i took wif da gurlx
decorate time nt enouff
coz da gurlx took finish le the boix haven complete
so we go buy some food to eat...
havent eat lunch lehh
ying nan use finish her money liao
den dame n da rest buy smoothie
ying nan nt tempted coz i oso din buy
quan li bought smoothie oso
yi qian buy bird nest milkshake siia
$1.50 de...so i was telling ting hong is low quality de
den when ting hong tried some of yi qian's milkshake
he sae very nice so go buy 1 cup...
den i sae ting hong i tot u sae tt bird nest milkshake
glance ard the CD shop for shows...
ting hong so funni...point to every show n go
i like tis,i oso like tis,tis one so cool i like to watch it!!
d0tz...[folo dame de...she like to sae d0tz]
i g0rt renuion dinner wif ALL my relas so went home early
alone...so sian...no1 to talk to
but i was glad i found the right way home... :))
actually wanted tuh watch movie de but no time...
lazy post abt todae...
i suay lar...zheng kai knock into mi den i fell down
pain niiaz...knee scraped...v0lleyball nid wear
knee guard but coz very pain so coach ask mi dun wear it
but gd la...knee guard so uncomfy :D
and oso...im so happiie chio bu jie g0rt go trng todae
yipee...lol...i muz b mad...but true la
jie all sec 1 like euu...espeacially MMMMMMEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
datx all...coz i so sian dun wan type too much... XD


.&Monday, February 26, 2007

itx like B-O-R-I-N-G lurhh
everyday har...iish go sch [copy hmwk ehh]
do hmwk[sometimes im lazy so copy fwenn's hmwk in skul]...
use com if hav time...watch Hana Kimi [muz watch hor!!]
do hsework or tingx like tt larrx...den zzz-ing time
SIAN DIAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my life iish so damn bloody dead lorhhx
watx wrong?? my life so sucky
but!! i l0ve skul!! i l0ve fwennx
i l0ve fwenns..all muaii g00d fwennx
Roxanne - mesmerizing smile she has + damn guai derhx :)
Sin Ee - da eva cute gal...adorable! =)
Iris - da tongue-lasher[coz speak tt time so fast...i dun catch wat she sae sometimes] gurl
Si Tong[stone] - funni n loving :))
Ying Jie - guai kiia + x-treme quiet
Persis - answer provider [ din do hmwk q0 tuh her she provide]
Ying Nan[ying nu] - lao po of Mei Peng...eww...datx gross...tong xing lian
Mei Peng[hua ping] - lao gong of Ying Nan...-.-'
Shi Ying - quiet but she like martial arts derhx so BEWARE!! ;)
Xin Yu - funni gurlx...
Hui Shan[vicky] - sweet provider...gimmi more sweets niia...DEARest buddy x)
Hui Min[zhi nu] - pair up wif wing yee n make fun of kevin BEST der x))
Wing Yee[penguin/wing] - BELOVED meix...make more jokes of kevin hor! :D
Yong Yu - Huggies~ everytime we meet xD
Hui Yee - More huggies~ tuh euu!! =D
Meng Shu - nt serious de vice-chairman...but fun-loving larrz
Dame[lame] - zhui ou xiang der ren worx...like FAHRENHEIT[!!],JJ,JY,xiao zhu...BLAHHS
Qin Xuan - guaii kiia...but sometimes n0tty der lahhx =x
Lei-an - chairman...g0rt so much power...SHUDDAP n every1 muz shuddap :x
Si Ling - graceful dancer wor!! da CNY performance de clothes so xing gan...
Hui Yi - so madd abt a boi eh...whole class noe le laaaaaaa...
Myself[tian cai/teo teo <-- so nan ting] - happy-q0-lucky n happy always...nid mi tuh cheer euu up?? i'll b there guyx!
Boixx[will onli put some of 'em;lazy type all]
Wei Er - eee...nobodi likes him de (zhi dao kevin bu xi huan jiu pian pain yao gen kevin zai yi qi)
Lien Han - happiie happiie hor
Dillion - x-treme bai chi + veri veri chi dun
Kevin[niu lang] - too overly-em0 lia0z...simmer down when u see wei er
Yi Qian[one thousand] - oways see him wif GURLX leh!!
Ting Hong[King Kong] - teach mi nevermind is pronounced as na-mind...dia0
Ping Cheong[poor] - wan mi buy OP pencil case n sling bag fer him leh...so ex siia
Zheng Kai[zheng kiia] - serious in study budd n0tty..hahas
Yong Quan [you yong quan] - curse mi fer nth...bully hui shan n mi derhx
Wei Jie - hua hua gong zi as said by quan li...play bball until sh0 blackies
Quan Li[power] - talkative...dunno maths equations still sae noe...den copy my wksht...LOL
Hao Ming[nai ma] - everytime call mi jia fei mao...coz of dat toopid miss yee la...call mi jia fei fer watx??
Reng Tian[wo derhx tian arhx] - tink he veri tall (actually he realli veri tall)=.="
no time tuh include my vball fwenns,seniorx...

ttx abt it...
aft typing all these i feel my life iish nt so miserable aft all...i hav my fwenns n we ,as 1IT, will stay in harmony n b da ENTHU + BLACKLISTED class [coz veri veri noisy]...yippex!!!!!
n now...tinkin' tt chio bu jie will go vball trng tmr...im so happiiee arrrrr
happiie yeah...hav nt seen her for weeks n im so missing her...
hey...im nt too em0 la...juz too hapiie fer wordx
